

Nirvan Javan

New, digital worlds

Words Editorial Staff


Nirvan Javan and the Swiss musician Mega presents Berger: a new audiovisual experience

Seeing the world in its beauty and transforming it into something completely new is Nirvan Javan's cosmopolitan credo. Thus, the brand has dedicated itself to this philosophy not only in the design of eyeglass frames, but also in art.

Together with Swiss musician Mega, the brand set itself the goal of creating a completely new, audiovisual experience. The video for the song "Berger" was thus not shot and edited by camera as usual. It was created entirely on the computer.
In a completely digitized world, a 3D generated model of the artist performs his song. So, he also wears completely animated models of the new Shades of Toronto. Strange worlds, which are actually beyond our possibilities, suddenly become travelable through this technology. Futuristic worlds, suddenly become real. It is a step into a new world.


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