


Color and geometry

Words Editorial Staff


Policromie is the result of Lamarca's experiment, a great balance of the two souls of this collection dedicated to men.

Policromie is the result of Lamarca's experiment, a great balance between colour and geometry: the two souls of this collection dedicated to men. The colours are bright or classic, depending on the eyewear style. In fact, in the classic version the flex hinge adds a precious and refined touch to the frame. Lamarca use the bonding technique to apply coloured and transparent inserts, turning the frame into a kaleidoscope. Other models see a flex hinge of an exclusive homemade design, making the frame even more wearable and comfortable. For some other models, a stronger design create a style that makes a statement.

With the Policromie collection Lamarca wants to create a geometric play with great attention to detail. The mirrored effects and subtle coloured inserts attract and give the eyewear model a lively personality, playful yet respectful of elegance and tradition.

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