


DaTE 2022

Words Editorial Staff


The avant-garde eyewear show of Florence will welcome, 100 companies from around the world and a total of 170 brands

From 10 to 12 September 2022, 100 companies from around the world, and a total of 170 brands, will exhibit their collections, whose lowest common denominator is creativity, at the Leopolda di Firenze. DaTE is also much more: a not-to-be-missed opportunity for the exchange of ideas and networking among eyewear professionals, a place to talk about business and close deals and a precious international resource for those on a quest for inspiration, innovation and the avant-garde.
“The 2022 edition promises to be a one-of-a-kind experience – remarked DaTE President, Giovanni Vitaloni – not only because DaTE is celebrating its 10th anniversary, a milestone for an event that has grown and gained prominence in the panorama of industry events, but also because this year we have planned a sister event in Milano, MEDD By DaTE: Milano Eyewear Design Day, a special, non-commercial event, one day only, October 17. MEDD By DaTE, whose format and contents are completely different from the Firenze show, is open to everyone. The focus is on eyewear, with guests and experts from various fields. An opportunity you won’t want to miss!”. 

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